
June Report on China's Steel Prices

Wholesale Cold Rolled Steel Coil/Sheet (SPCC Cold Rolled Coil)

  • Average Price: 4600 RMB/ton

  • Price Change: Up approximately 2% from the previous month

  • Main Influencing Factors:

    • Increased manufacturing demand, particularly in the automotive and electronics industries.

    • Environmental production restrictions leading to insufficient capacity release in some regions, resulting in tight supply.

Wholesale Hot Rolled Steel Coil/Sheet (SS400 Hot Rolled Coil)

  • Average Price: 4500 RMB/ton

  • Price Change: Up approximately 1.5% from the previous month

  • Main Influencing Factors:

    • Recovery in infrastructure investment leading to increased steel demand.

    • Rising raw material prices (e.g., iron ore) increasing production costs.

    • Increased export demand supporting prices.

Wholesale Galvanized Steel Coil/Sheet (SGCC Galvanized Coil)

  • Average Price: 5100 RMB/ton

  • Price Change: Up approximately 1.2% from the previous month

  • Main Influencing Factors:

    • Increased environmental pressure leading to capacity restrictions in galvanizing production.

    • Increased export demand enhancing international market competitiveness.

Wholesale Stainless Steel Coil/Sheet (SUS304 Stainless Steel Coil)

  • Average Price: 14500 RMB/ton

  • Price Change: Up approximately 1.8% from the previous month

  • Main Influencing Factors:

    • Rising costs of stainless steel raw materials, particularly nickel and chromium.

    • Market demand recovery, especially in high-end manufacturing and construction applications.

Medium and Thick Plate (Q235B Medium and Thick Plate)

  • Average Price: 4200 RMB/ton

  • Price Change: Up approximately 1.3% from the previous month

  • Main Influencing Factors:

    • Gradual progress in infrastructure projects leading to increased steel demand.

    • Reduced steel inventory pressure, improving market supply-demand balance.

CategorySpecific ProductAverage Price (RMB/ton)Price Change (MoM)Main Influencing Factors
Cold Rolled CoilSPCC Cold Rolled Coil4600+2%Increased manufacturing demand, environmental policies
Hot Rolled CoilSS400 Hot Rolled Coil4500+1.5%Infrastructure investment recovery, rising raw material prices, increased export demand
Galvanized CoilSGCC Galvanized Coil5100+1.2%Increased environmental pressure, increased export demand
Stainless SteelSUS304 Stainless Steel Coil14500+1.8%Rising raw material costs, market demand recovery
Medium and Thick PlateQ235B Medium and Thick Plate4200+1.3%Infrastructure project initiation, reduced steel inventory pressure

Market Outlook

The price increase trend in June is expected to continue in the second half of the year, but the market faces uncertainties from the macroeconomic situation and policy adjustments, leading to potential price volatility. Companies are advised to closely monitor market dynamics and adjust their procurement and inventory strategies flexibly to cope with potential price fluctuations and supply risks.

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